

Why wasnt I told this about acne as a teenager?

Why wasn't I told this about acne as a teenager?

Why wasn't I told this about acne as a teenager?

I do not know if it was puberty or hormonal upheaval but friends I do know this, my teenage years were miserable because of one thing: Acne.

Well, based on what some people say about Positive thinking and all, I guess I allowed it to have too much control over me. However, at that age, how the heck was I to know about all that? Moreover, with bumps, bumps and more bumps all over my face, it was kind of hard you know. I doubt if any girl would have wanted to kiss a guy with a big red bump nestled on his lip today or his nose the next.

Needless to say those were sad years and had I known then what I know now about acne, folks, it would have been a different story. Either way it goes, I still come across helpless and understandably sad teenagers almost on a daily basis so if it helps any: if you are a teenager or know of a teenager who is plagued with pimples, here are a few tips that should help you cure your acne in no time.

1. First and foremost, I care not what some sites and product endorsers say about how diet doesnt affect acne; you have got to make a change in your eating habits, plain and simple. You are what you eat. If you want to have clearer skin and the added bonus of improved health, of course eating right will be essential. That said: Fruits and vegetables friends. Shop more in the produce aisle and steer clear of the snack stands at the cash register. I know it may sound boring for a teenager but trust me, its worth the sacrifice and this forms the basis of an internal acne treatment right there from its root cause.

2.For external acne-care, you could learn such simple tips as facial massaging and exercises. However, (now Im speaking from what I went through and believe me I had acne BAD) simply washing your face with nothing but clean hands and plain cool water may perhaps be the most efficient way to clean the pores. Combined with the facial massaging and occasional steaming of the face, this will be very sufficient to clean the skin.

3. Change your pillowcases daily and make sure you have a towel exclusively for your face or you could employ the use of paper towels.

4. If you use greasy hair-products, shampoo the hair before retiring or at least use a clean do-rag to hinder the introduction of oily substances to the pillowcase and inevitably your face while asleep.

5. On that subject, try to also sleep on the right side. Besides checking against contaminations getting on the face, this is great for the heart and lungs and allows for a better and restful sleep (which co-incidentally helps with controlling acne.)

6. Deal with stressful situations amicably. This is another topic into itself but briefly these work: Proper diet (factor #1), proper thinking habits and exercise.

For stress, allow me to mention Yoga-do not have the space to explain why, but friends, with its sun-exercises and its derivative, Hindu push-ups, Yoga is awesome for stress-relief. Moreover, for teenagers who are more likely to engage in sports and other recreational activities, you'll be getting the added advantage of improving your fitness levels and with your own body weight at that.

Boy, had I known of some of these in my time. Well, do not let the story of my teenage years be yours, a sad one because of one thing-Acne.

With the tips above, I can confidently assure you it wont be the case.
Just remember you owe me and my payment is to pass it on to your friends if they need it. (I want every teen with acne to know of this chuckle)

Here to a clearer skin naturally.

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