

Graphic Design Career Information

Graphic Design Career Information

Are you ready to start your career in the Graphic Design industry? Do you possess the creativity, attention to detail, and technical training required to be successful, but just don’t know where to start? If so, then read on. Obtaining a rewarding and exciting position in the field of Graphic Design can be easier then you think. All it takes is getting the right work experience. And you can do that by focusing your talents in three basic areas: formal education, quality portfolio, and on-the-job training.

Formal Education: Graphic designers usually have a bachelor’s degree in art or design. Formal training helps you develop your talent and skills and provide training in computer software, which is highly utilized in the visual art arena. And while a degree is not always required for all entry-level positions, a formal education helps to balance your creative and artistic side, and gives you a much better chance.

Quality Portfolio: Before you can obtain a job in the field of Graphic Design, you will need a portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of your best work and helps demonstrate your skills to clients or potential employers. A portfolio may include hand drawings, computer images, photos, and print samples. You can collect samples from your art and design courses, save letters of recommendations from teachers and employers, etc. Let your portfolio speak for itself. A picture is worth a thousand words, so do a lot of talking with your work. If your portfolio is weak, the chances of you landing that dream job are slim.

On-The-Job Training: As a beginning designer, you will most likely receive on-the-job training. If you have the option, participating in an internship or practicum program while in college is an excellent way to prepare yourself for future work experience and job possibilities. An internship helps build your skills, demonstrate your talents, and make future job contacts. This is essential to getting started in the graphic design industry.

Getting Graphic Design Experience
Like most individuals, once you’ve completed your technical education and training, landing the perfect job isn’t always as easy as you might expect. In order to get the most out of your college or technical school training, you should seriously consider enrolling in a Graphic Design practicum. In a typical practicum, you will gain experience in the graphic design field by working for a company that is directly involved in the industry. You will gain work experience and additional training in your specific area of interest.

Additionally, you will receive college credits towards your graduation requirements.

Why A Practicum?
Usually, by the time you enroll in a Graphic Design practicum, you know fairly specifically which area of graphic design you wish to work in. However, there are many times that students are still undecided. A Graphic Design practicum will allow you to work in a particular area and “test the waters” before you go out and apply for an actual paid position. As such, this type of experience is practically unmatched as an educational tool since you can dabble in a number of areas within the field and find exactly what fits your talents and desires firsthand. You might even land a job this way from the company that provided the practicum. Many students have landed a job this way.

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