GTA( grand theft auto) 4 FREE SETUP DOWNLOAD

hello friends welcome to my blog,in this post you get all information and full PC version setup of GTA [GRAND THEFT AUTO] 4 so let start but before downloading game please read PC requirements carefully. 

hi friends today i am going to tell you how to download gta [grand theft auto ] 4 in your pc or laptop 

1]read pc requirements given below 

2]after reading go to the last of page and click download

3] wait for 10 seconds and click another download button and your game setup will download in few seconds. 

PC requirements for GTA [GRAND THEFT AUTO] 4 

1] ram =2 GB
2] setup size= 14 GB

3] operating system (OS) =WINDOWS vista,7,8,8.1 AND 10

4]hard disk space =20 GB minimum.

5] CPU = Intel core 2 duo 1.2 Ghz ,AMD athalon 2 64 2.4 Ghz 

all characters of gta 4

1] niko bellic.  
2]roman bellic  
3]jacob hughes [ little jacob]
4]patrick mcreary 
6]bruce kibbetz /brucie
7]Dwayne forge 
8)kate McCreary
9)Manuel escuela (Manny)
10)Carmen haretz 
11) kiki Jenkins
12)Alexandra Chilton(alex) 
13)elizabeta Torres(Li]
14)Trey stewart (playbox x)
15)Mallorie bordas - bellic
16) Francis mcreary (rankie)
17)Derrick mcreary 
18)geraid mcreary (Gerry)
19)Raymond boccino (ray)
20)Phil bell 
21)bernie crane( Florian craric)
22) james pagorino (jimmy)
23)Jon travelling
24)Darko Brevic
25) Vladimir glebov
26)Mikhail Faustina
27) Dimitri rascatov

Top 4 features of gta (grand theft auto)

Following are the top features in game

1)you can call emergency center on number 911.
2)you can play music in car just clicking F on keyboard. 
3)you can turn on or off your vehicle headlights with holding H on keyboard.
4) you can add custom radio or music in car from your computer files.

Gta 4 is created by rockstar north and published by rockstar games in 29 april 2008 designer of gta 4 is Simon lashley.
Type of game is action adventure.programers of this game are Adam Fowler, Alexander roger,obbe vermeij.writer of game is dan houser. Engine of this game is rage type, you can play this game in multiplayer or single player mode.producer of this game is leslie benzis.

crew members,niko bellic,is tellingfellow passenger hossan ramzy about his cousin roman and the cousin successful life he has forged for himself since moving to america.

click below button for download gta [grand theft auto] setup and enjoy game in your PC or laptop